Some employers have to prove their business legitimacy when they are looking to sponsor a foreign worker. This is a requirement to proceed with the LMIA application process. There may also be other reasons why an attestation letter is required.
What to Watch Out for When Signing a Commercial Lease Agreement
Leasing commercial space is a significant financial commitment. Business owners should pay close attention to the terms of a commercial rental agreement or a business lease agreement. Here are our top three:
What is the Difference Between an Asset Purchase and a Share Purchase?
If you are buying or selling a business, which is right for you: share sale vs. asset sale? Each option has advantages and disadvantages which can impact everything from purchase price to legal liability to tax implications.
What you should know when buying a business
Buying a business is a considerable investment. It is also a complex transaction involving many issues. Here is what you should know when buying a business.
Open Work Permit Under a Public Policy Issued on January 27, 2021
Due to COVID-19, applicants may be eligible to apply for a one-time open work permit of up to 18 months if one applies by July 27, 2021.
PGWP가 종료되어도 한번도 워크퍼밋을 신청할 수 있는 정책을 발표한 캐나다 정부
캐나다에서 학교를 졸업하고 PGWP를 받으신 분들중 Covid19으로 인해 타격을 입으신 분들이 많습니다. 한번밖에 없는 PGWP기간동안 일을 하여 영주권 진행을 위한 경력을 가져야 되지만 Covid19으로 인한 여러가지 제약으로 많은 분들이 힘든 상황에 처하셨습니다.
Was Your Immigration Application Refused or Cancelled? Judicial Review Might be an Option for You
Judicial Review is a legal process in which a court judge reviews a decision by an administrative tribunal or government decision-maker. The process is revised making sure its outcome was reasonable, fair, and lawful.
Defamation and Social Media
Defamatory social media posts can easily tarnish a reputation that took time and effort to build. If you have been unfairly attacked and believe that you are a victim of defamation, it is important to gather your evidence thoroughly and act quickly to protect yourself.
Immigrating to Canada under the BC Provincial Nominee Program
If you are looking to immigrate to Canada, and specifically want to live in British Columbia, the BC Provincial Nominee Program may be the right route for you. This program provides a way for skilled foreign workers in high demand and experienced entrepreneurs to gain permanent residency in B.C.
비자거절 또는 이민법 판결 불복 행정소송 – 캐나다 연방법원 사법심사
사법심사 (Judicial Review)는 법원이 행정부의 결정이 공정하고 합리적이며 적법한지에 대해 확인하는 절차입니다. 단어가 뜻하는 바와 같이, 정부에서의 결정에 대해 불복하고 소송을 통해 법원의 판단을 맡기게 됩니다.