If you are looking to immigrate to Canada, and specifically want to live in British Columbia, the BC Provincial Nominee Program may be the right route for you. This program provides a way for skilled foreign workers in high demand and experienced entrepreneurs to gain permanent residency in B.C.
The government of Canada introduces a new policy that allows the Extended Family Members to enter Canada
The Extended Family Members will need to prepare the completed and signed “Application for authorization and statutory declaration (IMM0006)” and a written authorization from the IRCC.
무죄를 받았을경우에도 캐나다 정부에 범죄 경력에 대해서 알려야 하나요?
잘못 된 정보를 정부에게 제출 하는것은, 이민법상 5년간의 입국 금지 명령을 받을 수 있을 정도로 캐나다 정부에서는심각 한 사안으로 다루고 있습니다. (Misrepresentation)
How to Prove Business Legitimacy in an LMIA Application (Attestation Letters)
One of the methods to prove business legitimacy is through attestation letters. An attestation letter is written or signed to confirm a statement, action, or behaviour. The writer is certifying or attesting that they personally witnessed or know something to be true. Attestation letters are necessary for when legal requirements demand a witness for a document to be fully valid.
Hiring a High-Skilled Temporary Foreign Worker Through the Global Talent Stream
GTS is designed to help Canadian employers have access to highly skilled global talent for workforce expansion in Canada and for participation in a global scale.
배우자 초청 이민 또는 다른방법으로 이민 진행 시 동거 경험이 문제가 되는경우
많은 분들이 방문비자나 워크퍼밋등 이민수속 초기 진행중에 (보통 의도 해서이기 보다는, 단순 동거라는 생각에) common-law 관계를 밝히지 않는 실수를 하십니다. 하지만 이럴경우 차후 이민 과정에서 법적으로 문제가 될 소지가 다분합니다.
Can I Lose My Permanent Residence Status if I Commit a Crime in Canada?
Regardless of how long you have been a permanent resident, you can lose that status if you commit a crime (depending on its seriousness).
Avoiding fraudulent job offers from employers in Canada
Many people around the world dreams of living and working in Canada. There is a variety of jobs available in the country and its diverse context makes Canada a land of opportunity.